


Benefits from reading this book!
•    Learn how to not let desires overrule needs in equipment
purchasing for your business!
•    Discover real-life examples of how not to sink your startup by
superfluous equipment purchases!
•    Be prepared for disaster a strike!
•    Understand how to protect vital information!
•    Learn how to recover and get back to business quickly!
•    Know how business appearance contributes to the bottom line!
•    Establish safeguards against employee theft!
•    Set guidelines in dealing with employee theft!
•    Learn how to prepare for feast and famine!
•    Know how to use times of prosperity to strengthen core business!
•    Discover how to value employees and retain them during hard
•    Know how to face your business Goliath!
•    Learn how to assess what action is the most effective during a crisis!
•    Develop vision for after a crisis!
•    Know how to communicate

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Careful Buying of Equipment Will Help Your Business
Chapter 2: Disaster Preparation
Chapter 3: Protecting Vital Information
Chapter 4: Getting Your Business Back On Its Feet
Chapter 5: Keeping Up Appearances
Chapter 6: Employee Theft Is All To Common
Chapter 7: Preparing For Feast or Famine
Chapter 8: Facing Your Business Goliath
Chapter 9: Communicating During Crisis
Chapter 10: Steps to Effective Crisis Management


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