Getting and Keeping Customers


Getting and Keeping Customers

Benefits of reading this book!

•    Learn how to effectively set goals!
•    Discover the SMART method of goal setting and understand how to count the cost in every area of your business!
•    See how to really focus your leadership on business strategy rather than on continually fighting fires!
•    Get away from problem-focused thinking!
•    Take advantage of unanticipated opportunities!
•    Learn how to uncover opportunities!
•    Better understand your business advantage!
•    Learn how to further develop your business advantage!
•    Understand how to use your business advantage to gain customers!
•    Learn your business from the customer's point of view!
•    Discover how to develop customer loyalty!
•    Distinguish between true customer loyalty and repeat use!
•    Learn how to solicit effective customer feedback!
•    Know how to take action today that meets your goals for tomorrow!
•    Learn how to analyze current market trends for future predictions!
•    Know how to respond to shifts in the current business environment and take advantage of new opportunities!
•    Be successful in sales!
•    Discover how to price your product for maximum volume sales and maximum profit!
•    Know how to well-form partnerships that will maximize your business potential!
•    Understand how technology impacts outsourcing and service!
•    Learn how to keep technology an asset and not a weakness!
•    Understand how to adapt to technology and allow your business to change with it!


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