Integrity in the Workplace


Integrity in the Workplace

Every entrepreneur, business leader, and manager has at least one thing in common: Every day, their integrity is tested on the job as they make decisions that affect the success of their businesses, their employees, and their careers.

With all the temptations to give in to greed, cutting corners, and taking advantage of people, every Christian business leader must ask, “Will I be a person of integrity?”

Biblical Integrity for Success Today establishes a firm, biblical basis for understanding integrity in the workplace. Using real-world case study examples, and applying solid biblical principles, the book explores the components of true success, including doing what you say you’re going to do, delighting your customers, making ethical decisions, accepting responsibility for your actions, communicating honestly, and encouraging teamwork. Includes discussion of hot potato issues such as discrimination and harassment, hiring illegal workers, and paying taxes.


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